It’s a bummer, opening your makeup bag to find your favourite eyeshadow, blush, or powder shattered into pieces. Instead of tossing your broken makeup, try these simple fixes to restore them to their former glory.
How to fix broken eyeshadow
Powder makeup is fragile and can easily break if dropped, but it can be restored with a simple method.
1. Gather all the broken pieces back into the compact using a clean spoon or spatula.
2. Completely crush the remaining product into a fine powder for an even texture.
3. Add a few drops of rubbing alcohol (70% or higher) to mix the powder into a paste.
4. Smooth the mixture and press it down with a spoon or the back of a makeup brush.
5. Leave it to dry overnight, and your powder makeup will be good as new!
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How to fix a broken lipstick
A broken lipstick can be restored with some heat.
1. Use a lighter or hairdryer to slightly melt the broken ends of the lipstick.
2, Gently press the pieces back together and smooth the seam.
3, Place it in the fridge for at least an hour to set.
4, If the break is too severe, scoop the lipstick into a small jar and apply with a lip brush.

How to revive dried-out mascara
Dried-out mascara doesn’t always mean it’s time to toss it. A simple trick can bring it back to life.
1. Add 2–3 drops of saline solution or eye drops into the mascara tube.
2. Roll the closed mascara tube between your hands to loosen the formula.
3. Instead of pumping the wand, swirl it inside to prevent further drying out.

How to fix a dried-out gel eyeliner
Gel eyeliner can dry out over time, but a little moisture can bring it back to a creamy consistency.
1. Mix a tiny drop of coconut oil or a few drops of eye drops into the gel pot.
2. Place the closed pot in a warm water bath for a few minutes to soften the formula.

How to fix a broken pressed highlighter or bronzer, or blush
A shattered highlighter or bronzer can be salvaged using a technique similar to fixing eyeshadow.
1. Crush it into a fine powder to ensure an even texture.
2. Add a few drops of rubbing alcohol and mix it into a paste.
3. Smooth the mixture and press it firmly back into place.
4. For a longer-lasting fix, mix the broken powder with a few drops of makeup setting spray instead of alcohol.
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With these quick and easy hacks, you can salvage your favorite beauty products and save money in the process. You’re welcome!
Feature Image: Pexels