The festive season has come and gone, and now most of us are either back at work or relishing the last few days of PTO. Now, I don’t know about you, but every year, one question plagues my mind: When should Christmas décor come down?
In my home, we keep the decorations and tree up as long as possible. But did you know, that technically, there’s a right time to take down your Christmas décor – January 6th to be exact!
Why 6 January?
If we take a sleigh ride back in time, tradition suggests that Twelfth Night (January 5th or 6th, depending on how you count from Christmas Day) should be the end of our festive trimmings. As it’s the last day of Christmas, it makes sense that you should take down and pack away the baubles and mini Santas.
If you take a look at religion, however, the Twelfth Night aligns perfectly with Epiphany, aka Three Kings Day. Epiphany, if you didn’t know, is when the Wise Men (The Three Kings of the West), brought their gifts to baby Jesus. Hence, so many people mark January 6th as the very last day of Christmas.
Also see: Your guide to picking the perfect Christmas tree

Not set in stone
Of course, January 6th isn’t set in stone. You can take down your decorations at any point in January. Not December though, that’s just way too soon.
However, some other factors may come into play – especially if you have a real tree.
No matter how hard you try, at some point, your grand Christmas tree is going to die, dropping its firs and making a huge mess of your home. You should take down your décor when your tree begins:
- Drooping
- Browning
- Dropping firs
- Smelling musty instead of like pine
Additional factors include social etiquette, and of course, if you have a lot of lights, your electricity bill.
So, when should Christmas décor come down?
The official answer is Jan 6th – if your tree has lasted that long. But, if you have an artificial tree, you can take down your décor any time you want.
Featured Image: Unsplash