After the release of Rolling Stone’s ‘200 Greatest Singers of All Time‘ list earlier this year, the magazine received a wave of outrage from angry fans whose favourite artists didn’t make the cut. One of these fan groups – a die-hard troop of 15 Celine Dion fans – took it to extremes, travelling all the way from Montreal to New York City to protest outside the head offices at Rolling Stone.

The Dion fan group, who goes by The Redheads on Facebook, arrived at the New York offices fully prepared to state their business. Fans were seen rallying outside, picketing with signs against the magazine’s exclusion of Dion in their top 200 list.
“Rolling Stone, you’ve hit an iceberg” shouts one fan from the crowd.
The founder of the fan group, Line Basbous, shared that the goal behind the protest was to rally support for the Canadian singer and have their voices heard. Line mentions her confusion regarding Rolling Stone’s selection for list , stating:
“No Madonna, no Celine? They’re clearly focused on American singers and we don’t understand.”
Celine Dion fans protest outside of Rolling Stone’s offices after the publication left her out of their ‘200 Greatest Singers of All Time’ list.
— Pop Base (@PopBase) January 6, 2023
The protest happened on Friday last week and has had its fair share of uproar and controversy publicly. Rolling Stone took to Twitter and posted a video of one of the protestors sharing their sentiment on the issue:
“We are here to express ourselves in the name of Celine because obviously you made a big mistake forgetting her name on the big list you published last week”
Celine Dion protesters pulled up to the Rolling Stone office 😳
— Rolling Stone (@RollingStone) January 6, 2023
People’s opinions on the protest are varied. Here’s what the world says:
really important to challenge injustice, campaign to right wrongs – put yourself out there. And then there is this…..People with too much free time I’d say
— Lee (@Lee15066503) January 7, 2023
Right on girls! Hey, they finally got you to acknowledge the omission. Although the credibility of Rolling Stone is forever lost on me for the very fact of the list. It was so egregiously bad, it had to be a publicity stunt, and that’s sad.
— Rachael Williams (@rachbabynyc) January 7, 2023
I am disappointed with the Rolling Stone Top 200 Singers List, so many great singers left off of the list, especially Celine Dion! It’s just their list and I don’t agree with a lot of the choices on the list and many other people don’t agree with it either!
— Frederick Boggs (@FredBoggs) January 8, 2023
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Feature Image: Instagram / @celine_d_i_o_n