We asked you to send us your embarrassing dad stories in our brandy hamper competition, and you had us in stitches with your great entries.

Pictures: iStock.
However, we could only pick 2 winners, so congratulations to Paul Johnston and Theresa Vika, who have each won a hamper containing a bottle of Klipdrift Gold, a bottle of Richelieu 10 and a bottle of Oude Meester 12!
Here are their stories:
Paul Johnston:
“It’s difficult to pick one moment, but one incident does stand out – our school was part of a hockey tournament in Bloemfontein and on one of the days my dad decided to watch wearing a safari suit, sandals, socks with a comb in his right sock, just below the knee!!! Lol.” – Make sure that your dad wears his safari suit while he sips on his brandy!
Theresa Vika:
“Its accepted that Mom’s have no privacy, no matter what you do. The kids simply barge in demanding attention – Dads on the other hand do not take nonsense. It was most embarrassing one day, when I rushed into the loo, already pressed to do my business, when I enexpectedly walked bumped into my Dad, with his pants down, doing his business. That scene is still traumatising both of us to this day. From then on, locking the door was top priority for both of us. We never spoke about this trauma…a bottle of brandy is just what is needed to break the silence!” – We hope that after a glass of fine brandy, you’ll be able to laugh over the incident!
Here are a few more of our favourites – thank you to everyone who entered!
Popo Mfubu:
“At my grade 12 valedictory event where I was given an award for the best performing all-rounder student, my father was so proud that he got onto the stage and decided to tell the whole school about a story about me when I was younger. He proceeded to tell a story about me when I was 3 years old. When I was 3 years old, I was given a packets of Smarties which obviously I wanted to eat.
“I was told no as it was too close to lunch time and I was to keep them for later. My mum put me down for a nap and I refused to let the sweeties go but promised I wouldn’t eat them. When I was woken from my nap the box was empty. I was given a stern talking to and I was very, very upset because I thought my dad had eaten them.
“It was only later at bath time did my dad realise that I hadn’t eaten the sweeties, I had poured them in my underwear for later. So there I was with a multi coloured, chocolate covered bum. Till this day people from my high school still laugh at the story when they see me years later.”
Lynn Botha:
“So I was in my first year of high school when a boy In my class asked me to the movies. I was reluctant at first.. but decided to say yes. My dad was pretty cool about the whole thing.. and said it was fine.. as long as he met this boy and he could drop us off at the movies. The boy had a baseball cap on and didn’t take it off when meeting my dad.. which I now know is a pet hate..
“Anyway my parents drove us to the movies.. and I figured that went rather well.. About half way through the movie, I happened to turn around, and there, right at the back in the corner sat my parents. My dad and I had a bit of a stare down.. I must have turned 50 shades of red. I was so embarrassed. I never looked back again and when the movie ended, they immediately left the movies before my date saw them. We still laugh about it today.”