Ever driven through your local grocery shop’s parking lot or past parking bays in residential areas? You might’ve, on occasion, witnessed a universal phenomenon…women just sitting in their cars. Not driving, not planning on driving, sort of just parked off there, doing their thing?
They could be scrolling their phones, snacking, having a cry, or simply just sitting there, eyes closed, as if they’ve locked into a parking bay meditation…perhaps this sounds familiar to you?
Moms online are coming to admit that this is something they do but rarely ever speak about. A woman’s parking lot habits are sacred, and should not be picked apart. Believe us, we get it. We’re not here to cast shade over you, in fact, this occurrence, now dubbed the ‘parking lot trend’ has women openly admitting that yes, we do take a few moments to ourselves in our cars every now and then, and no, you can’t join us.
Some women are admitting they use the time to decompress without the interruption of a husband or kids, whilst others are admitting they carve time out from playing referee between their kids, or even just to snack without anyone asking…” can I have a bite?” No, you can’t, not this time. This is my special car time.
In fact, our sacred parking lot habits should be treated as a form of self-care. An unspoken understanding amongst everyone that women sometimes just need their space, for whatever reason that may be –whether it’s to indulge in a moment of quiet or to shovel down snacks. It’s none of your business…keep your eyes on the road and keep driving, alright?
According to an article written on BizWomen, psychologists confirm that our special car time is in fact, healthy – anything that relaxes and brings us joy without harming others is a form of self-care, and should be practiced.
But why are we so secretive about it? Perhaps it makes us feel guilty, taking a moment to ourselves when we’re meant to be ‘rearing a child’ or sorting dinner. We’re here to tell you to ditch the guilt right away. When you spend almost every moment of your day making sure that the lives of your loved ones are looked after, you deserve the me-time, however you want to spend it.
So here’s your cue. Don’t resist the urge to park it off when you need an escape. Rage sing to those Adele tracks, polish off that bag of treats, finish off that relatable podcast or simply just close your eyes and exist, you’ve earned it.
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Feature Image: Pexels