‘Street Fashion’ is this generation’s runway, and The Men’s Paris Fashion Week (17-22 January) proved it.
Though it encompasses many styles and definitions, according to the urban dictionary, it can be defined as:
“A type of fashion that is personal to you. It is something that displays your personality but it is still highly trendy and cool. It may even be seen as controversial by others.”
Let’s take a look at Paris Fashion Week and how all the fashion kids are interpreting it:

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When Street Style was declared one of 2023’s trends of the year in fashion, many people were hesitant about it. The hesitancy came from a place where not everyone has a Street Style aesthetic, or not everyone personally likes the trend itself. However, that’s the beauty of it— it’s not meant to be liked by everyone, but rather the wearer—at least how I see it.

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As a fashion editor, I have to educate myself on all the trends, styles, and ways of dressing. Keeping up with trends can be hard work as they change almost daily. Personally, the Street Style trend is probably my favourite.
Most would say that’s because it’s my personal style of dressing, but I would disagree. Yes, I love dressing with a huge Street Style influence, but the reason I love it so much is that it is interpretative, personal and technically has no rules.
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Above is proof! On this day I admittedly did not have many options on what to wear to this event. I threw on a vest, paired it with an extremely chunky chocker and accessories and the rest was history. The combination of things might have seemed off to a few, but it made sense to me, and what is fashion if it doesn’t make sense to the one rocking a look?
Although there are few rules when it comes to this aesthetic, there are definitely things to look out for. These things are all in the details, such as textures, colours, accessories, and more importantly, the combinations of these things together.
A look at street style fashion moments at Paris fashion week 2023

Edward Berthelot/Getty Images
In a general setting, one would not pair a faux fur coat, with fishnet stocks and red pump heels. This however makes the above look nothing short of amazing. It’s paired with such strong elements that can each stand on their own, and when juxtaposed together look even better.

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The boldness of this earring affirms the look. Paired with slicked-back hair, it makes a statement. The pairing of the fishnet stockings with the rouge pump introduces a sexy and structured take that affirms a more mature lady.

Edward Berthelot/Getty Images
The next look that captivated me certainly couldn’t be worn to an everyday meeting. But when the occasion presents itself, why not?
Street Fashion is about being playful; an interpretation of what one is feeling in that very moment.

Christian Vierig/Getty Images
More is more is probably one of my favorite elements of this style. Textures don’t have to align and patterns don’t always have to make sense because it is in that question of ‘does this go together?’ that lies the true genius of the outfit.

Christian Vierig/Getty Images

y Pierre Suu/Getty Images
Celebrities too tapped into their boldness, as we see with Naomi Campbell seen at the Casablanca, adorning one of the runway pieces. A menswear suit reimagined and paired in an unconventional way. That is a keyword to take from Street Style— ‘unconventional’.
For me, Street Style can be described as something that’s: ‘so right that it’s wrong’ or simply just the most prominent juxtaposition of all the fashion styles, and something everyone can and should try when they’re ready to step into a bolder fashion era.
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Featured image: (Photo by Christian Vierig/Getty Images)