Diet phrases to avoid, are often the ones we cling to the longest. Sometimes a few negative words we repeat over and over again can stop us from reaching our weight loss goals. In fact, research shows it’s not just about what we eat but how we think that really makes a difference to our overall weight loss and weight maintenance goals.
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Try to avoid these 10 diet killers and you should be well on your way:
I have a sweet tooth
Limit your sugar intake, and your sugar cravings will subside so that you find sweet foods noticeably less desirable.
I’ll skip meals tomorrow
You will eat – your metabolism is far too evolved to fall for this mind game. Your body will assume that you’re experiencing a famine and try to store food to make up for the lack.
I’ve been good, I deserve it
Of course you do, but you also deserve to be liberated from having to diet constantly.
I’ll get back to my diet tomorrow
Repeatedly indulging upsets your metabolic rate as you eat too much, then too little, then too much again.
I’ll burn off the kilojoules in the gym
Fine plan, but your body has no idea that you aren’t planning to store it. So unfortunately, the chances are that much of it will already be stored away by the time you start exercising.
Can I have…?
Yes, why not?
Who cares? I can start on Monday
You do care or should care, or at least you will the next day.
Am I allowed?
Yes, you can eat what you like. No food is out of bounds but it should all be consumed in moderation.
ALSO SEE: The bitter truth about sugar
It’ll see me through the morning…
You shouldn’t expect your food to sustain you that long; it simply has to see you through two and a half hours.
I’ve been good
There is no ‘good’ and ‘bad’, but staying slim and healthy is the most valuable reward.