To give yourself a fighting chance against flu viruses this winter, it’s a good idea to start supporting your immune system now with some effective must-takes and a little smart hygiene. Try our top tips for a flu-free winter.
1. Look after yourself – immunity gets low when you don’t care for yourself. We know it’s hard but try to eat well, sleep well and try to keep stress to a minimum. Stress is a real immunity sapper.
2. Big up your immune system – with supplements, tinctures and herbal remedies.
3. Keep things clean – It’s not bordering on obsessive compulsive disorder if you carry a hand sanitiser – it’s smart practice. But remember it has to be effective. Look for one that says it’s active against viruses.
4. Do the same for your workspace – interestingly, computer keyboards can carry more bacteria than a loo so clean yours and all the hard surfaces around it often. Keep the window open too to help minimise your exposure to airborne viruses.
5. If the virus peaks again, be smart and stay away from crowded events and avoid travelling at peak time. The virus is passed by coughing, sneezing and touching things like door handles and more.
6. Stop kissing your friends – we all do it when we say hello, but right now an air kiss or a cheery wave is probably a safer bet.
7. And if you know someone who’s got it, keep away! No-one is going to give you a medal if you hit the deck.
DISCLAIMER: Before starting any diet, you should speak to your doctor. You must not rely on the information on this website/newsletter as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.