Keeping fit at home has been a new-norm for most of us, especially for those who are still working from home. Getting some exercise (in between your Netflix sessions, of course) can help you maintain or shed some of the weight that you’ve picked up during the lockdown and festive season.
If you want to make some gains but not looking to visit the gym just yet, let Youtube be your new best friend. Many fitness-dedicated Youtube channels are offering up awesome workouts and encouraging healthy habits. Here are a few of our favourites.
Maddie’s videos are done interval-style. Her workouts are quick and easy to follow. Ranging in difficulty levels, you can find a workout dedicated to specific body parts as well as fully-body workouts. Each workout typically has 7-10 different movements in a set, each one done for 30-45 seconds with a short break in between. The set is then repeated a second time, allowing you to fine-tune your movements and give it your all.
Best for: the person that likes to see there is an end in sight.
Pop Sugar Fitness:
Popsugar Fitness is great for those of all fitness levels. Here you can find full-length workouts as well as shorter, targeted classes. Videos often feature celebrity trainers like Jeannette Jenkins and Jake Dupree. What makes this channel so amazing is the sheer variety of workouts. From dancing to boxing, HIIT to yoga, there is something for everyone.
Best for: the person who believes variety is the spice of life
Whitney Simmons:
This channel mixes workout videos with practical lifestyle tips such as healthy food swaps to make and dieting mistakes to avoid. Beyond her workouts, you’ll also fall in love with Whitney’s positivity. Her mantra, “It’s a beautiful day to be alive”, will hopefully keep you going through these trying times.
Best for: the person who needs their best friend to hold their hand through life but can’t right now because of social distancing.
Images: Unsplash