Public holidays are always welcomed gifts of sanity, cutting our work weeks into more manageable hours spent in an office.
But, what happens when you’re spoiled with multiple (consecutive) long weekends thanks to these precious public holidays? You’re left unprepared for the harsh reality of a 5-day work week.
So, we decided to mentally prepare ourselves for what’s to come:
5 days of starting your day off with a 5:30 am shower…
5 days of sitting in morning traffic that feels a lot like a slow death march…
5 days of trying to get through all your emails before lunch…
5 days of smiling through useless small talk with your co-workers…
5 days of healthy lunches that you didn’t have enough time to prep, so you just threw in whatever…
5 days of a post-lunch pep talk to carry you through to home time…
5 days of wishing you could just quit and walk out, so that you can leave work 10 mins earlier…
Oh, and 5 days of evening traffic because life’s a cruel joke…
Yes, it’s going to be the 5 hardest days of the week… But, you can do it!
By digital assistant, Cassidy Emmanuel