- 6 large free range eggs
- 2 tbsp (30ml) olive oil
- 200g houmous
- 3 tbsp natural youghurt
- 1 tsp harrissa
- 4 tbsp dukkah spice mix
- 2 x 230g bunches asparagus
- Place the eggs in a small saucepan and fill with cold water to a couple of cms above the egg. Place over a high heat and once they begin to boil put a timer on for 3 ½ minutes.
- Meanwhile spoon the houmous into a bowl and stir through the yogurt and harrissa. Set aside.
- Plunge the eggs into cold water to stop the egg from cooking any further. Peel and brush with the oil. Roll through the dukkah.
- Trim the asparagus and toss in 1 tbsp oil. Heat a griddle pan to high and add the asparagus. Cook for 1-2 minutes until charred before turning and cooking again for a further 1-2 minutes.
- Serve the asparagus with a spoonful of houmous and the dukkah egg.