A lot of us suffer from anxiety, whether that comes from overthinking, stress, or high-pressure situations. Grounding techniques are a great way to ease your mind, and get back to the present moment without your thoughts overwhelming you. Here are our top five grounding techniques you can do almost anywhere…
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Deep breathing
Take six deep breathes in and out, from your core. This will direct oxygen to your brain, calm your nerves and allow you to think clearly. As you exhale, visualize negative thoughts leaving you. You can do this anywhere, and it’s a great quick-fix to get you back in the moment.
Hold your focus
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, grab an object like a crystal, or any desk ornament and focus on its shape, i.e the way it looks, its pattern, texture etc. Focusing on one object blocks out the busy thoughts and helps you find your balance in the present again.
ALSO SEE: Natural Ways To Feeling Happier
Nature break
If you have 5 or 10 minutes, leave your desk and go for a stroll. Stop at a park nearby, or simply go outside. Connecting with your surrounds, and with nature, helps calm the mind. Take off your shoes and feel the grass on your feet. Be mindful of each step you take, and focus on your senses – what do you see, smell, hear and feel?
Write it down
Write down everything that’s happening around you: a bird on a tree outside, a co-worker on the phone, the breeze on your skin, etc. This brings you back to the moment and out of the negative thoughts of the past or the worries of the future.
Pick a colour
Pick any colour you like, and see how many objects you can spot around you with the same colour. This distracts you from what’s happening in your head, and gives you the distance you need to calm yourself down.
By Features Writer, Savanna Douglas