Welcome, eco-warriors and compost enthusiasts, to a journey of discovery in the world of composting!
While many of us are familiar with the basics of composting kitchen scraps and yard waste, there’s a treasure trove of surprising items that can find their way into your compost bin, transforming into nutrient-rich gold for your garden.
Let’s unveil the secrets of composting with some unconventional materials that you probably never knew could go back to the Earth.
- Fruits
It happens to the best of us. It’s fairly common to be rummaging in the refrigerator late at night only to discover a bag of bruised apples and throw them out. But fruits like these, whether they are bananas or citrus, just the peels or if they are raw, cooked or even rotting, offer nutrients that are incredibly beneficial for your soil.
2. Coffee grounds
Yes, your morning coffee can help the environment become cleaner. Coffee does more than just keep you alert during long work days! Coffee beans contain nutrients and acids that are excellent for composting. Some of which you may feed directly to your plants.
3. Leftovers
Made too much dinner for the family? No problem? You can easily make compost from bits of oil, cooked pasta, as well as meat and grains. You should, however, not throw these scraps directly into your composter, as it will attract maggots. Use a Bokashi composter to turn leftovers into nutrient-dense fertiliser.

Image credit: Unsplash
4. Eggshells
After cracking open a few for breakfast, these jagged-edged food items become useless to us – but not anymore! Egg shells are actually one of the best organic items you can compost because they add essential minerals and nutrients that are great for plant growth. You don’t even need to crush them beforehand but this does help speed the process along.
5. Natural wine corks
Maybe you don’t want everyone to know about that sneaky bottle of wine you finished this week to relax – worry not, there is a solution! Recycle the bottles and the natural corks into your compost. They will biodegrade fairly easily. Check the packaging if you’re not sure as some companies now use plastic wine corks.
Composting is a fascinating process that can handle a diverse range of materials, helping reduce waste and nourish your soil. So, buckle up as we dive into the world of composting and explore the unexpected items that can take your composting game to the next level.
Feature image: Unsplash
Originally published in the December 2022 edition of Garden&Home Magazine.