Activated charcoal is definitely a health and beauty craze in South Africa, here is what you need to know about it.
A black substance made from wood, peat, coconut husks or other carbon sources, usually sold in capsule form.
Activated charcoal has the ability to draw out and absorb heavy metals and other toxins from your skin. It also serves as a great detoxifier when taken orally.
Activated charcoal has a multitude of uses, from improving digestion and preventing hangovers, to whitening teeth and being excellent for getting rid of household mould.
Here’s the perfect DIY activated charcoal facial mask that will banish those stubborn blackheads!
¬ 2 capsules activated charcoal, charcoal poured out (about ½ tsp)
¬ ½ tsp bentonite clay powder
¬ ¼ tsp coconut oil, softened
¬ 1 tsp water
1. Mix activated charcoal and bentonite clay together in a bowl. (Avoid using a metal bowl or utensils, as the activated charcoal will try to draw out the metals.)
2. Mix in coconut oil and water.
3. Once the ingredients have been incorporated, apply to your clean face. Allow the mask to dry, then remove with a warm wet facecloth
Tip: You can find activated charcoal and betonite clay at most health shops.

if you’re looking for a great, product ready active charcoal face mask, we recommend Garnier’s Pure Active Charcoal 3-in-1 face mask. The active charcoal mask unclogs pores and removes excess oil, while exfoliating the skin.

Garnier Pure Active Charcoal 3-in-1 150ml
[Featured Image by Gustavo-Fring via Pexels]