Sniffling, sneezing, coughing…allergies are never fun, and they almost always hit full force. However, what most of us don’t realise, is that we’re not the only ones who struggle with allergies…our pets are at risk, too!
When establishing your own allergy-fighting plan, it’s important to remember your pets, explains Dr Guy Fyvie, nutritional advisor for Hill’s Pet Nutrition.
“Environmental allergens pose an invisible but constant nuisance to many dogs and cats,” he says.
“More than 50% of dog allergies are caused by the world around them – pollens, mould spores and house dust mites can be found everywhere and in any season. The good news is that there are a number of simple changes you can make to eliminate or reduce the occurrence of your pets’ allergies.”

What to look out for when it comes to pet allergies
If you suspect that your pet is suffering from allergies there are certain pet behaviours you can look out for.
“If your dog is scratching, itching, licking or rubbing more than normal, there could be an underlying skin condition,” says Dr Fyvie.
“When it comes to cats, however, picking up signs of a skin condition can be trickier. Cats make a huge effort to keep clean, plus they are masters of disguise so you’ll have to separate your cat’s well-groomed fur to find anything.”
Allergies in dogs and cats are mostly seen as changes in the skin, unlike humans who tend to develop ‘head symptoms,’ such as a runny nose and watery eyes. Some of the most common symptoms of skin problems – not necessarily always allergy specific – in both dogs and cats include:
- Itching, scratching, licking, or rubbing (these are the first signs that often go unnoticed).
- Paw licking.
- Flaky or scaly patches.
- Red patches, spots, or pimples.
- Scabs, crusts, or thickened skin.
- Hair loss.
- Bad skin odour.

Dr Fyvie recommends taking the following steps to help minimise your pet’s allergies:
Consult your vet
The first thing to do if you suspect a skin problem in your pet is to visit your vet. They can help determine the cause of a skin irritation and assist you in choosing the best course of remedy. If required, your vet may recommend further tests to identify the exact reason for your pet’s skin condition.
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Wash your pet’s beds and blankets
Wash their beds and blankets every second week in a washing machine on the hottest programme, but make sure it won’t damage them. If they don’t fit into your washing machine, a thorough handwash will work just as well. Make sure the beds are properly dried before your pet uses them. If you live in a drought-affected area rather vacuum your pets’ beds twice a week. Ensure their sleeping area is as dust-free as possible.
Bath your dog in cold water
For acute cases, this is recommended three times a week. It will help to calm itchy, irritated skin and can reduce allergens (pollen etc.) in the coat. While plain water is often just fine if you are washing your dog, make sure you are using the right products.
“There are a few pet-friendly hypoallergenic and gentle, medicated shampoos available from your vet,” says Dr Fyvie.
“Use these, or if you send your dog to a parlour, make sure they are using the right soaps for your dog. You can also purchase dog grooming wipes to remove loose hair, dirt and odour-causing-bacteria from your dog’s fur.”
Even if the cause of your pet’s skin condition is not related to nutrition, they will still benefit from high-quality food especially formulated for any skin sensitivity. Look for one containing high skin-specific protein, essential fatty acids and antioxidants — these are important nutrients that can help heal and protect your pet’s skin and reduce scratching.
“Your pet’s skin health is vital to their overall health,” adds Dr Fyvie. Proper bathing, regular coat and skin examinations and annual vet check-ups are a great way to help prevent skin problems flaring up and to keep your pet happy and healthy, always.
ALSO SEE: Here’s some easy homemade treats your dogs will go mad for
Compiled by Claire Badenhorst on September 11 2019. Information supplied by Hills South Africa.
Feature Image: Pexels