With so many beautiful South African plants to choose from, it’s easy to fill your garden with everything indigenous and boast a truly African space.
Freylinia tropica is a pretty medium-sized shrub with slender loosely spreading branches. It is fairly fast growing and flowers profusely with light mauve to bright blue flowers in spring. Plant Freylinia tropica in a semi-shaded position in well-composted soil and provide moderate water and it will bring joy to your garden for many years.
For those shady spots try the graceful Mackaya bella, or Forest Bell Bush.
A large shrub or small tree, with glossy dark green leaves and beautiful sprays of showy, white/mauve bell-shaped flowers in spring to early summer, it will become a favourite in your garden.
Plant your Forest Bell Bush in a semi-shaded spot where it will be protected from too much wind. It flowers better if it receives a few hours of morning sun each day. Plant in well-drained soil with plenty of organic matter. This fabulous shrub does well in a large container as long as it is judiciously pruned every winter.
Wild dagga (Leonotis leonurus) is an absolute must for the indigenous garden. An upright growing, soft wooded shrub which attracts both insects and birds to its nectar-filled ball-shaped bright orange flowers. Wild Dagga is easy to grow, not particularly fussy about its soil but will benefit from regular feeding and a sunny position, and a moderate amount of water will ensure a stunning display.
Written by Pat Ingarfield
Featured image: Pablo Adrián Otero via Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)