So you’ve been through it all: Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, Badoo, name the dating app, you’ve been there, and done that but without any success story to show for it. Perhaps your love is waiting for you on the professional employment-focused social media platform, LinkedIn.
Many of my single friends when exchanging tales about dates gone wrong or the struggle to find eligible bachelors or bachelorettes, the first question that is posed to the group is: “Where do we find them?” According to a new study by DatingNews, the answer may be LinkedIn.

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A survey was conducted in the US to understand how people date in today’s day and age. commissioned 505 consumers between the ages of 20 and 40 years old who are currently dating. The aim was to establish ways of meeting and arranging dates with someone.
The research shows that 61% of individuals aged 35 to 40 found their dates on LinkedIn.
This unexpected trend contributes to 52% of all respondents aged 20 to 40, showing that the world of modern dating is evolving and with it is our dating behaviour.

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According to the survey, 52% of participants have arranged a date on social networking platforms, making this the most popular method of organising a date. 52% of men, 51% of women, and 52% of gender-neutral individuals have found a date this way. Ironically, only 30% of respondents said they have met someone to date at a work or business event, which shows that people’s inhibitions are lower and confidence is higher when engaging online versus meeting people in person.
I’ve had my fair share of flirty messages on LinkedIn, with some even using LinkedIn as the last resort after I’ve removed or blocked contact on other channels. Still, it seems they may have been onto something. Perhaps sometimes it pays to mix business with pleasure.
Feature image: Pexels